"Yoga is possible for anybody who really wants it. Yoga is universal.... But don't approach yoga with a business mind looking for worldly gain."
~ Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

  The Mysore Group and Guided Group know who usually come to practice  please stay in touch and come to Mysore practice while I am away. Remember to cut heat down to 66 when you leave also make sure upstairs heat is off completely if you turn it on . Make sure back gate is closed. Holler and Sita will do Sunday Guided and it will be at 9am but will return to 8am when I return. Rachael Arabian will help with Mysore  and Guided  I believe from Mar 23rd til 29th , more on that. (No new students while I am away) If you have been to Shala in the past you are more than welcome to come, no assisting and in Guided  please respect and be early. Fees while I am gone are $40 for month Mysore. If you come for Guided just pay $10 drop-in do not pay for extra Guided as there may be another teacher guiding  the next week. Teacher leading Guided may take 70% of money minus the $20 and change that is always in box for change, make sure you sign in. The other 30% goes to electricity , water and  other necessities.You may need to bring own towel as I will not be there to wash then(haha) I will update more as I see the need. Sita will be around until March 15th and then join me there will be a house sitter and the dogs  will be around so make sure and check before you walk in back gate that they are in the house, for those of you who know Champa he can get quite testy and Koiya has picked up on his back yard rules. Most of you know them anyway, if you forget your key do not bother Sita or house sitter, Sita will more than likely already have Shala open while she is there. I know this is a lot of words  but either rules or Shala can remain closed until I return, you are all wonderful and dedicated students/friends so  know everything will run smoothly watch over one another my children. 

January 28th, 2014

Posted in: News